Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Birthday

So I just turned 20 today, but I don't feel any cooler or anything.

I'm just getting money and facebook messages by people I have never really talked to. What am I supposed to do today? I skipped all of my classes... But I normally do that. I guess I'll go out with some friends. Other than that, it's like any other day, sans the whole "tons of money" thing.


  1. Not sure if you're in US or Canada.. but any birthdays around this age that aren't one of the milestones (drinking, gambling) never feel that special. But the money is nice.

  2. yeah happy birthday! go and spend this money with your friends

  3. Go find something fun to do.
    For me I always get wasted on my b-day in someway with a bunch of friends. Do what pleases you.
    Also Happy Birthday.

  4. Yeah, the big one is next year man, so not to worry - in 12 months you'll be lying face down in a hooker's chest in Vegas.

  5. Hey, at least you got some money. That's better than... not getting money.

  6. I'm the same way bro, birthdays are just an excuse for getting shit you always sorta wanted

  7. Yeah haha same thing happened to me last month for my 19th birthday

  8. you'll feel a lot cooler when you turn 21, trust me

  9. 21 is where it gets cool. I just hit 30, and feel the slide of turning into an "old dude" happening...

  10. My 20th bday was super lame. I took my bday off facebook specifically so that I wouldn't get 100 random happy bday messages from people I haven't seen or talked to in 6 years.

    21 is fun though.

  11. Happy birthday. I'll be turning 20 this year. D:

  12. no longer a teenager anymore...

    hoped you enjoyed your teen years i feel i wasted too many of them away playing playstation :-(

  13. Congrats buddy. I turned 20 just a week a go m'self.
